Putting Pen To Paper

Monday, July 31, 2006

Dom just sat there staring at the airbike and shaking his head. Using both hands he scrubbed his head briskly, shaking dust and sand and twigs out of his hair.

Not smart Dom. Not smart at all.

He glanced around briefly before staring once again at the twisted lump of metal that used to be his ride.

Idiot! What was I thinking?

Dom inspected himself for any major cuts. Nothing too bad, but the skin was worn down pretty good on one of his elbows. The hair on the back of his neck stood up a bit when he saw the sand and gravel caked in blood.

Way to run, Dom. Way to leave them in the dust, eh?

He glanced around at his surroundings once more. He found himself in a shallow ravine, sitting in the shadow of a bridge that spanned its breadth overhead. Looking around, he could tell it wasn't going to be an easy climb out of there.

Way to leave yourself in the dust is more like it.

Dom went to stand and let out a tortured moan as he put weight on his left leg.

"This is just great!" he growled to himself as he collapsed back to the ground. It didn't seem broken, but it certainly wouldn't be carrying his sorry butt anywhere for awhile.

So much for my head start.

He laid back in the dirt, clenching his teeth.

Why? Why does this happen to me? Even my good luck is bad these days. Come on Dom, snap out of it! You've got to get moving. Quit wasting what time you've got.

He looked at his watch, blinking his eyes slowly at its broken face. With a snarl, he ripped if off his wrist and began pounding it on a nearby rock.

Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn! DAMN!!! This is turning out to be an excellent day, Dom. Pat yourself on the back for a job well done. You've managed to turn your 24 hour lead on an airbike into a who knows how long of a lead... on foot... with only one good leg.

Dom picked up the broken pieces of his watch and threw them at the heaped airbike. The effort of it sent a sharp pain down his leg that knocked the wind out of him.

"Pull it together" he growled at himself when he could breathe again. "You can bitch yourself out tomorrow if you live to see it."

He took a number of deep breaths to calm himself and ease the pain and then set himself to the task of figuring out how he was going to get himself out of there.

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  • Hi all!

    Just joined the blog today. Have always loved to write, but haven't been very serious about it.

    Trying to get more serious about it now.

    Mostly I've written rhyming poetry that is more fun than artistic, but I'd like to start writing some stories.

    It's late for me, but wanted to get something up and look forward to reading what others are sharing.

    As I'm really just starting to get into this again, I'd really love any feedback at all. Does this spark any interest in the character? Does reading this much make you care at all what happens? Why? Why not? etc...

    Thanks for a great site and great opportunity!


    By Blogger penitentman, at 7/31/2006 10:07:00 PM  

  • Mike, thanks for joining our little group. I hope we continue to see more of your work. Please help us out by commenting of other posts here too.

    Now, for your story... I totally enjoyed it. It is a very few moments in someone's life and does leave you wanting to know what happens next... Is he truly badly injured? What is he running from? who is pursueing him? Had I not had the title "Runaways", I might have concluded that he was in some kind of race and had a grand "lead" toward making it to the finish line first.

    I also hope to see some of your poetry here since my first love has also been rhyming poetry and when I am truly enjoying it, I am "playing" with it. I'm just now trying to learn to write poetry without rhyming and it's a real challenge!

    By Blogger Ruth, at 8/01/2006 04:34:00 AM  

  • Mike...Welcome to our world. :-)

    I've been eagerly awaiting another short storist...I'm surrounded by poets and out of my depth. :-)

    Like Ruth, I initially thought it was a race of some sort. The "airbike" got my attention and I immediately wanted to know what that was all about. I guess the recent tour de france had my mind on cycling. When I saw that he had a "24 hour lead" I began to suspect something other than a race in the competitive sence.

    Yes, I thought Dom (Dominic?) was engaging with he self recrimination for blowing his lead. I would like to know how he managed to crash the airbike and what he's racing away from.

    You've created a sense of urgency and a sense of impending peril for Dom if he can't get himself moving again.

    There was one place that I stumbled. "He glanced around at his surroundings once more. He found himself in a shallow ravine, sitting in the shadow of a bridge that spanned its breadth overhead. Looking around, he could tell it wasn't going to be an easy climb out of there." There's a lot of looking around going on here and I think it's safe to assume that a bridge would naturally span the breadth of a ravine so stating it her seems clumsy. Maybe rephrasing it like "The desert rose steeply on either side and the railroad bridge at the top of the ravine cast it's gridwork shadow on Dom. Climbing up to level ground would be tricky thanks to the gully's loose rock and dirt walls."

    Just a suggestion. Take it for what it'sworth. :-)

    By Blogger WDavid, at 8/01/2006 07:06:00 AM  

  • Good story -- I definitely wanted to know why Dom got into his predicament, and where he was going next.

    I also liked the quotes of the mind chatter.

    But I didn't like the reference to "sorry butt" after Dom realized how injured he was -- the voice went from gentleman biker to something different, and back. Maybe you could move the colloquial language into the mind chatter, but leave the narrative with a consistent voice?

    By Blogger Peter, at 8/02/2006 12:35:00 PM  

  • I did like the story and definitely wanted to know everything all the others have already mentioned. I'm not sure that I liked the narrative talking though with all the other mind talking. It just seemed out of place to me, but what do I know?

    By Blogger PeggySueO, at 8/02/2006 10:02:00 PM  

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